![]() 11/16/2019 at 09:43 • Filed to: ranty | ![]() | ![]() |
Look, I don’t know enough about Union labor to even have an opinion, my only experience has been at conferences and its been universally bad.
1. W e got charged for having a vacuum in our booth because we aren’t allowed to vacuum, only the approved vendor can do that. bear in mind we weren’t vacuuming. The vacuum travels with the booth to all events.
2. T
hey aren’t done laying the carpets and so they changed the time I can access the booth, where it used to be 8 giving me tons of time, now its 10. it opens to the public at 12.
3. They yelled at me for trying to bring in a soda I was done with and was just trying to find a garbage can for.
4. Literally every. single. person I’ve talked to is being an ass.
Are unions bad? probably not. Do they make my life hell? yes they do.
for your time, enjoy the new undisputed champ of terrible food to dollar.
This “meal” ...while not only winning the title of “worst chicken I’ve ever put in my mouth” also cost me (my company) $24 with a drink.
Im not joking about the worst chicken thing either. it was BAD. Like literally gaging on the texture bad. Difficult to physically consume bad. Redeeming value being that it didn’t make me ill bad. Im not a food snob. This was a new level of what I thought food could stoop to. Fries were okay.
![]() 11/16/2019 at 10:10 |
Convention center unions are the worst, when I did trade shows there was one group that tried to kick us out because our setup included an extension cord and only union electricians could supply and plug in extension cords to the floor outlets.
Also don’t get me started on the audio visual union, fuck off it’s my projector I can set it up.
![]() 11/16/2019 at 10:29 |
Yeah, Chicago used to be the worst for all this stuff-- McCormick Place is a hive of obnoxious union thuggery.
![]() 11/16/2019 at 10:32 |
I’ve done Mc Cormick Place twice and it wasn’t nearly as bad as these dinks in Philly
![]() 11/16/2019 at 10:51 |
That’s typical for a trade show, unfortunately. Your company paid for their services in their booth rental fees, so you might as well use them. Make sure you point out how they miss multiple spots while vacuuming so they have to do it again.
![]() 11/16/2019 at 10:56 |
no, these would be E XTRA charges.
![]() 11/16/2019 at 11:01 |
Convention center unions are the worst, when I did trade shows there was one group that tried to kick us out because our setup included an extension cord and only union electricians could supply and plug in e xtension cords to the floor outlets.
I’ve done enough conventions/trade shows (working for the company exhibiting) and I’m going to defend this. The electricians on site are responsible for getting electrical distributed as specified in the floor plan. They are also responsible if anything goes wrong. And if something goes wrong they have to stop what they’re doing and troubleshoot. So let’s say, a major electronics company is putting on a booth and they have some prototype exhibits which run off a power supply connected to the mains. Let’s also say the people working the exhibits just start plugging the demo properties into the sockets, and one of them is faulty and takes a circuit/branch down. Now, you know how people are. Whoever did that is going to quickly unplug it and play dumb, pretending to not know what happened. Now the electricians have to stop what they were working on and go figure out why the circuit/branch went down.
On the other hand, if the contract states the electricians are the ones making all of the final connections and a faulty exhibit takes down a circuit, they know what the problem is right away and will say “fix this piece of shit or get rid of it.”
(this is from experience. no I was not the numpty who plugged in something which tripped a breaker.)
![]() 11/16/2019 at 11:16 |
Wair till you gota call the electrician to plug in your lights.
![]() 11/16/2019 at 11:24 |
been there
![]() 11/16/2019 at 12:03 |
When work rules become any impediment to getting things done, something has gone wrong. When it happens in unions, it often seems like people are getting overly protective of thier job categories.
I’ma pro- union person, but must admit there are real downsides to the bureaucracies that can manifest in them.
![]() 11/16/2019 at 12:04 |
#4 is not because unions, it’s because Philly.
![]() 11/16/2019 at 12:15 |
vital. Just read Sinclair’s “The Jungle”. It’s too bad they’ve evolved to this. They’re not going to survive if they keep this up.
![]() 11/16/2019 at 12:21 |
LaGuardia Airport- eggs and fried potatoes with toast and small cup of OJ= $21 before tax....I about feinted when I saw that I couldn’t get much cheaper
![]() 11/16/2019 at 12:26 |
I think this is more of a building full of ass holes than union thing. Combine the two and you have a a perfect storm of ass holes.
![]() 11/16/2019 at 13:39 |
yeah, but at least they’ll keep the bathrooms clean. :/
![]() 11/16/2019 at 13:51 |
Ugh. Philly. The cheesesteaks just don’t make up for the rest of it, do they?
![]() 11/16/2019 at 13:54 |
Sounds like the Pennsylvania Convention Center - can’t have those scabs plugging in their own extension cords, now can we?
EDIT: oh right, I forgot, you ARE in Philadelphia. Yeah, the city's famous for that stuff. It's driven some fairly large and profitable shows away over the years.
![]() 11/16/2019 at 13:56 |
fun story, I just had the fire martial come by to scold me for having a “cord over carpet” the solution to which is “have corrected by electrician”.
I was told to hide it
![]() 11/16/2019 at 14:01 |
they do not, no.
![]() 11/16/2019 at 14:05 |
If we meet IRL sometime I’ll have to share my experience with the Philly Police Academy... surreal. I really, really don’t like that city and I can handle a lot of places.
We took the FJ40 down into the Sonoran desert last week, BTW. I need to figure out how to post pics here.
![]() 11/16/2019 at 14:21 |
This is why everyone is coming to the south. Unions aren’t everywhere.
![]() 11/16/2019 at 14:33 |
That boy they walled up in the abandoned coke oven was right all along.
![]() 11/16/2019 at 15:05 |
To make this automotive, I don’t think the Kia plant that makes the Telluride, the South Carolina BMW plant, and basically every Nissan factory in America have been involved with this labor nonsense GM plants are going through.
They also aren’t unionized. Coincidence? I think not.
![]() 11/16/2019 at 15:08 |
Ditto Texas and Toyota.
![]() 11/16/2019 at 20:21 |
yeah but their suppliers are anything to write home about.
“The agency cited one year, 2010, when workers in Alabama parts plants had a 50 percent higher rate of illness and injury than the U.S. auto parts industry as a whole.”
“ In 2015 the chances of losing a finger or limb in an Alabama parts factory was double the amputation risk nationally for the industry, 65 percent higher than in Michigan and 33 percent above the rate in Ohio.”
![]() 11/17/2019 at 05:56 |
Thank Delta for that. If you see the sign for Cibo, they own it. When I was based there Cibo ran pretty much everything, even in non Delta terminals.